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                 Your current position: corporate culture

                Bolley control mission

                Lead the industry progress, create a better future

                This is the meaning and motivation as the industry organization existing control Bray, Bray is control must bear the responsibility and obligation. The mission of the enterprise and industry progress and social development closely together, the expression of the value orientation of enterprise development in the control of Bray promoting the civilization and progress of the whole society in, embodies the lofty pursuit of Bray controller.

                Bray controls vision

                Become a partner and trust and love global enterprise

                In the years of trials and hardships, Bolley control conforms to the trend of the times and historical trend, the next quest, positive change, seize the opportunity to continue restructuring, always maintain the vitality of enterprises, establish a good reputation and excellent reputation. In the new historical period, it should control the homeopathic potential, high, to become partners trust and love the globalization of enterprises "as the ideal blueprint Bolley control.

                Bolley control values

                Honest and trustworthy, performance oriented, people-oriented, innovation and development

                Honesty is the core value of Bolley control concept is the fundamental control based career Bolley; performance oriented control is the development of supporting it is people-oriented; Bray controls value creation purpose; innovation and development is to meet the challenges of power control blake.

                Bolley control development concept

                Be strong, big, good and long

                Adapt to the new economic norm, it need to control to change the mode of development, to achieve intensive growth. Therefore, it requires all departments to control through innovation driven, structure optimization and industrial upgrading, enhance the quality of products and services, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the path, and strive to achieve the development idea of "stronger, bigger, better and do long".

                Bray controls enterprise spirit
                Pragmatic, professional cooperation, dedication

                It was learned from the control on the pragmatic spirit; from the competition in the market, from the professional spirit; from the team, learn the spirit of cooperation; from the dedication, the dedication to learn. This is all it should have control of spirit and behavior style.